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We've driven the Richardson and Glenn Highways (AK Routes 4 and 1) twice from Fairbanks to Anchorage, and this has to be the world's prettiest route. Here are some of the reasons we think so.
(All but the last two pix are available full-size. Just click on the picture. Use your browser's back button to get back here.)
We stop to take some pictures of the hills and stream, unaware of what was just at the bend in the road...
Three moose (Mom and calf and another adult) just hanging out at the pond. The third is hidden.
The view from the Richardson Memorial Monument at the summit at Isabel Pass.
Later on the Glenn Highway, we stop for the night in a rest area. There was a whole lotta moose goin on! Here's two of them, crossing the road. (To get to the other side, of course.)
11:00PM and the sun is just thinkin about going down behind the mountain on the right. The light was streaming horizontally across the mountains in the back. Spectacular. Just Spectacular.
The next morning, we're treated to this view. There are mountians to the left, too.
Just about the same stretch of road on the second day we made the trip.
Alas, with the beauty comes the reality of construction.
Here is the view we are enjoying while performing every Alaskan's favorite pastime. We are waiting for a pilot car to guide us through the construction site.
Here I am, unhooking the Chevy Tahoe in the parking lot of a Fred Meyer's in Anchorage Alaska. At least I *Think* that's my dinghy; It is attached to the motorhome, but it's hard to recognize.